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NACURH, Inc. has been working with our Professional Partner, ACUHO-I, over the past two years to re-develop our OTM Database. Through this partnership, we have been able to solicit feedback from general members, NACURH Leadership, and the Executive Committee. â€‹


While the new database has been released, ACUHO-I is still working to finish and develop many features which are outlined below. If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to the NACURH Associate for NRHH at


Updates As Of 10/02/2020:​

  • Campus Administrator Accounts |  We encourage each institution to create one campus administrator account (utilizing an institution-specific email) that can manage the institution's OTM accounts. This will be helpful when transitioning Advisors/NRHH Representatives/OTM Coordinators on your campus as it will be a consistent account for those who need that level of access. Please reach out to your institution's respective ADNRHH to obtain campus administrator access.

  • Voting Development | ACUHO-I has finished the voting process for the database. Those with campus administrator access should be able to view all OTMs submitted for their institutions under the "Vote" tab in the menu on the left side of the screen. Only months that your institution submitted OTMs for will show up on your screen.

  • Voting Timeline for OTMs | Per NACURH policy, campus OTMs will be due on the 10th of every month @ 11:59 pm, regional OTMs will be due on the 17th of every month @ 11:59 pm, and NACURH OTM winners will be released on the 25th of every month.​

  • Webinars 

    • Database Webinar | For those unable to attend the webinar held on April 16th, you can access the recording of the webinar here. Feel free to share this with your chapter's NRHH members. 

    • Voting Webinar | For those unable to attend the voting webinar and walk through held on August 3rd 2020, you can access the recording of the webinar here. Please share this with your chapter members!

  • Upcoming OTM Database Features | Features that are in the works and will be coming in a future update include: an edit option for submitted OTMs, the ability for campus administrators to enable OTM categories and edit organizations on their campus, and the ability for campus administrators to view OTM submissions before voting periods.

  • Account Creation | As a part of the new OTM database, every member who currently has an account will have to create a new account. This can be done easily by clicking "Get Started" on the OTM Database home page of the "Login" button in the top left corner of the home page. You will then click "Register as a new user." To add your university and organization, you will need to click the person icon in the top right corner once you have logged in and click "Manage your account."




Q: My old login is not working, do I need to create a new account?

A: Yes, no accounts from the previous database were carried over, everyone will need to create a new account. Once you register you must check your e-mail (be sure to check your spam folder) for a verification e-mail as you will need to verify your account before being able to do anything.


Q: How do I become a campus level administrator?

A:  Reach out to your region's ADNRHH and they will work to assign you that capability.


Q: How does my institution vote?

A: Campus administrator is able to view all OTMs submitted by the institution in the "Vote" tab on the menu on the left-hand side of their screen. They can also assign OTM Selection Committee members for your campus. Committee members will be able to see all OTMs submitted while in a voting period. OTMs can be read by clicking on the "View" button for a specific OTM. To vote on an OTM, committee members will click the "Vote" button on the OTM that they believe is the best.


Q: How do I verify that my OTM has been submitted?

A: The system will display a message after submission stating the success (or failure) of your OTM submission. You should be able to see any past OTM submissions that were made on the new OTM database by clicking on the "Past submissions" tab on your OTM dashboard. Because accounts from the old database were not able to be carried over, any OTMs that you submitted on the old OTM database will not be linked to your new account.


Q: How can I submit my campus OTMs to the Regional Level?

A: â€‹Campus administrators currently do not have a way to manually submit campus winners to the regional level because the OTM database will automatically bring the campus OTMs with the most votes in each category onto the regional level.


Q: Am I able to edit OTMs after they are submitted?

A: â€‹On the new OTM database, there currently is not an edit function available. This function will be coming in a later update.







© National Residence Hall Honorary


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