NRHH Founders' Day
Founded in 1964, the National Residence Hall Honorary is turning 61 this April! In order to celebrate the founding of the honorary, there will be several initiatives throughout the month of April to engage with NRHH.
April 25
In honor of the celebration we will be
conducting a virtual case study competition
for members of the honorary, as well as,
Advisors of member affiliated institutions to
compete in.
There will be two types of case studies: one
for the students and one for the advisors.
Case Study Teams will range from 1-4 individuals. All students must be a member of NRHH (Advisors are not required to be members).
Submissions will be due on Wednesday April 15th and no late submissions will be considered. Notice: Current members of NACURH Leadership are not eligible to participate.
Wednesday April 1st | Release of Prompt
Wednesday April 15th | Submissions Due
Friday April 17th | Submissions Shared With Judges
Sunday April 26th | Voting/Feedback Forms Due
Tuesday April 28th | Winners Announced
Thursday April 30th | Feedback Returned